Imagine you’re on the first slide of your powerpoint presentation and want to move to the next slide. Your remote control has two buttons. They are unmarked, but one button points up and one button points down. Which button do you press? Now, spend five minutes watching this video of Don Norman speaking at Business of Software 2009.
Imagine you’re on the first slide of your powerpoint presentation and want to move to the next slide. Your remote control has two buttons. They are unmarked, but one button points up and one button points down. Which button do you press? Now, spend five minutes watching this video of Don Norman speaking at Business of Software 2009.
Don Norman's talk from Business of Software 2009
Posted via email from Steve Johnson on product management
Posted on June 21, 2010 at 10:01 PM in Industry News & Commentary, Presentations, Tips & Tricks, Working with Customers | Permalink